BitDefender Antispam plugin

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BitDefender is one of security software developer that began sweeping the blogosphere with launch BitDefender Antispam plugin.

BitDefender Antispam plugin (beta) is the plugin that defines comment it is classified as a  spam or not. Works like Akismet, which will always check every incoming comments and compare them with data in BitDefender server. When a comment is marked as spam, then the comment will be detained and not published.

BitDefender antispam plugin

What is the basis of an comment suspected as spam comments?

BitDefender Antispam plugin has 2 methods used to detect spam comments, that are content based analysis and outbreak detection algorithms. With content based analysis, BitDefender will analyze each incoming comments and researching a few things, such as:

  1. text content,
  2. originating IP address,
  3. embedded URLs,
  4. embedded HTML code (if any),
  5. internet browser type, etc.

By examining all of that aspect, BitDefender claims can accurately detect spam comments.

Interested in trying BitDefender Antispam plugin?
Visit the official page first to get some additional information. Then you can go to BitDefender Antispam plugin directory (WordPress Plugin Directory) to download and installation.

Related security WordPress plugin: Captcha word verification: WordPress antispam plugin.

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