FILEminimizer Pictures 3.0 – free download version
FILEminimizer Pictures 3.0 used to minimize (compress) image file capacity so it size optimal to used on website or sending by email, especially with low bandwidth internet connection.
Why it need to minimized?
For example….. I am put some pictures on my blog with size 240 x 320 pixels. The original picture have 1024 x 768 pixels with 100 kb capacity. So I choose to minimize the picture size to 240 x 320 pixels such as by using FILEminimizer Pictures and from that process I get 30 kb capacity. It’s reduce the image capacity by 70%. The other person who read my blog nothing feel the different. But you’ll get some benefits:
save your blog hosting quotas,
the upload time will faster then upload original picture (less data to upload),
the page will show up faster because loading less data.
Those are you get with use FILEminimizer Pictures 3.0.
The using of FILEminimizer Pictures 3.0 are very easy. Just select the image file with Open Files command or choose Add to List. After you choose the file that you want to minimized, press Optimize Files button. You will get the compact image file soon.
Something to note in using this software:
Blue mark : compression setting, choose as you need. This will effect with picture capacity and size.
Green mark : custom compression, you can choose different setting for the standards (blue mark) image compression.
Yellow mark : you can upload the pictures to your Facebook account from here.
Want to get FILEminimizer Pictures 3.0 – free download version ?
And the different with the FILEminimizer Pictures Suite are:
the features to minimize another file, like Microsoft Office file, the zipped of Microsoft Office file, tool integration, allowing on commercial use, and others.
Related product: Balesio FILEminimizer Suite 7
Alternative – online image compressor tool create web based image compressor tool that use smart combination of compression algorithms and best optimization to compress the size of your images while keeping the same level of quality. Can compress both .jpg, .jpeg, and .png file types simultaneously up to 20 images. Which will saves thousands of hours of time versus compressing dozens of images one by one.
Some another screenshots of FILEminimizer Pictures