GRE Test: Preparation Process from A to Z
The Graduate Record Examinations, commonly known as the GREtest, is a regular examthat serves as an admission requirement in the various graduate schools in the United States. More than a half million individuals in 160 countries appear for this exam every year. The GRE scores are accepted for a number of institutions. According to The Financial Times, U.S. News & World Report, and Bloomberg Businessweek more than 1,200 institutes globally consider the GRE, including top-ranked MBA B-Schools.
GRE Pattern
The GRE is amongst the only tests to allow you to skip questions, as well as go back to the ones you have already answered to make amendments and decide which questions you want to answer first. This is going to decrease the pressure mounting on you considerably.
In addition to that, the test is going to provide you with an opportunity to choose the best of your scores for the schools you want to attend. Another great feature of the exam is that you have a five-year periodat your disposal to opt for any of your scores.
There are three sections in the test:
- Verbal section:maximum marks – 170
- Quantitative section: maximum marks – 170
- Analytical Writing section: the scoring scale of this section is independent. The maximum markthat a student can obtainis 6, and the minimum is 0. The score achieved in this part of the test does not affect the overall marks obtained in the other two sections.
The number of marks that you need to score on the exam depends on the college that you wish to get in. However, if you are one of the many students who can’t decide which career path is the best for them, then you must know that a score above 155-160 in the verbal and quantitative sections is considered to be good. Also, an average student is able to score 4 in the analytical section as this is supposed to be a good mark.
The score requirements vary according to the program that you are going to apply for. This means that if you intend to apply for an art or humanities course, then a score of 160 would begood enough. However, this score is of little value when you are applying to a school wherein you are going to opt for computer sciences as your primary subject. Thus, even if you have not decided which field are you going to opt for, it is quite obvious for you to aim for a good score, so that you can keep your possibilities open.
8 Preparation Tips for Acing GRE
The GRE candidates should consider these preparation tips to obtain their desired score:
- Take a mock test. Before starting off with your preparation, you must appear for an ExamSnap GRE practice test, so that you can identify your knowledge level. This is going to help you tackle your goal scores better.
- You need to set goal scores before you start your preparation.This is also the moment when you should sort out which universities are you going to apply into and what are their GRE score requirements for the course you are going to opt for.
- Decide on the number of hours you are going to invest in your studies. Given the scores that you obtained on your sample test, you should analyze how far are you from your goal. You can develop a long-term study plan according to your current status. This will help you to manage your time properly.
- You must be familiarwith the structure and the environment of the GRE Prep Online, so that you know how to tackle the pressure during the actual exam. Thus, the more practice tests you appear for, the more chances you handle the test.
- To be well-prepared, you must begin to analyze your weaknesses by now. You should know what is keeping you from scoring better. Work through this particular area, so that it no longer remains a weakness.
- Back-solving is a great strategy for cross-checking and confirming the answer. You can find the right answer by eliminating the less likely options first.
- Use quality resources. You must know the areas that need to be given the most attention and must also use high-quality resources. You can find an insight into the best preparation materialsbelow.
- Acalculator is not always a handy tool.Most questions in this test can be solved in lesser time if the calculations are done in mind. Thus, the individuals should also practice manual/mind calculations rather than solely rely upon the calculator.

List of the Best Preparation Books
- ETS: GRE The Official Guide to the Revised General Test – this book is one of the most recommended on the list because it is offered by Educational Testing Services (ETS), the company that launched the exam. This manual is going to help you prepare for the GRE testwithout deviating from the official syllabus.
- Barron’s GRE: 21st edition –we all have heard the name “Barron” as it is well-known in the test-taking industry. All the books by Barron are full of useful information and well-structured. You can consider this book as one of your go-to options.
- 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems – this guide is equally respected amongst the ones preparing for the GRE exam as it offers a massive range of practice tests so that you are versed with the various types of problems to expect in the exam.
List of the Best Online Resources
- ETS PowerPrep Test: the official test makers have offered these practice tests, so that the ones who are preparing for the exam could become well aware of the framework of the test.
- Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards: this is a mobile application, which you can use on the run to add the words to your vocabulary. Whenever you find yourself free, this should be your go-to option.
- Manhattan GRE Practice Test: you must know that you are going to appear for practice tests and the closer they are to the actual framework, the better for you.
There are various options to prepare for theGRE test. If you are going to have your exam soon, don’t waste your time and come up with the proper study plan to achieve your best results. Good luck with your GRE test!