Jember Fashion Carnaval: Indonesian Streets Cat Walk Fashion Carnaval
JFC stands for Jember Fashion Carnaval is an annual event held on Jalan Raya (main street) Sultan Agung to Jalan Gajah Mada, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. This event was recorded as the longest street cat walk (3,6 Km) by MURI, the national record recorder institution.
Followed by approximately 600 participants witnessed by hundreds of thousands of spectators. Fashion design is a variety of costumes with the concept of world fashion trend.
See the following picture.

JFC held by JFCC. JFCC is a nonprofit institution whose members they are concerned at this event and thinking about the future development of JFC is run professionally and transparently and be audited by authorized institutions.
History of JFC
Fashion House Dynand Fariz establishment as the realization of the desire Mr. Dynand Fariz as an educator in the field of fashion not only understand the theory but also directly involved as a practitioner that knows exactly the situation in the field.
Commencement Dynand Fariz Fashion Week where all employees during the week should be dressed in accordance with world fashion trends.
Fashion week’s commencement ceremony Dynand Fariz with walk around the village and the square of Jember. The emergence of the idea of conducting a JFC.
January 1, 2003 the first JFC held in conjunction with the celebration with the theme of fashion Jember City Cowboy and Gypsy Punk.
August 30, 2003 the second JFC do simultaneously with TAJEMTRA held in conjunction with the theme of Arab clothing, Morocco, India, China and Japan (Asia).
August 8, 2004 the third JFC with the theme fashion of Mali, Athens, Brazil, Indian, and Vintage Futuristic.
Source :
Additional photos by my friend, Rangga Wahono.