3 Tips To Quickly Get A New Device Set Up
While it can be exciting to get a new device that hopefully works better, is faster, and has newer technology than your old device, actually getting things set up how you want them and so it’s easy for you to use can be a challenge. Additionally, just getting used to using a new device can be hard for some people, especially older adults in senior living facilities that might have a hard time embracing new technology. Luckily, there are things that you can do to combat this.
To help you learn how this can be done, here are three tips to quickly get a new device set up.
Turn On The Settings You Love
As soon as you get your new device and have it all charged and turned on, one of the first things that you’ll want to do is go into the settings and turn on the features that you know you loved from the previous device you were using. Your experience with older devices will help you know just what you’ll use most in your settings and what you can turn off.
For most people, they’ll want to turn on optimization settings for their battery life, make the performance of their display maximized, extend the timeout for your screen so that it doesn’t go to sleep sooner than you’d like, and have the ideal alert sounds that you recognize and will answer to.
Pair Your Other Bluetooth Devices
Another thing that can make using your new device easier is to pair all of your bluetooth devices to this new device. Any bluetooth device that you use regularly and had paired on your own device is worth it to pair on your new device.
By going through the process of pairing all of your devices to your new device at the same time, you can know that anytime you’re wanting to use these devices, they’ll be available to you. You won’t have to wait and go into your settings again when you want to use them in the future, which can save you time and frustration.
Test To Make Sure Everything Works
Before you really start using your new device in your daily life, it’s wise to go through the device to make sure that everything works as it should.
Even with new devices, sometimes things are defective and don’t function as they ought to. But if you don’t catch these things early, it can be annoying to take care of both from a consumer standpoint and because of the disruption it can cause to your life. But if you go through your device to test everything and make sure it works well as soon as you get it, any disruption you find will be swallowed up in the work that you’re already doing to check the device now.
If you want to quickly get your new device set up so that you can start using it as you wish, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get it set up.